As we approach the month of June, we commemorate and celebrate Father’s Day, in which we recognize the contribution of all the fathers in the growth and development in a child’s life. Father is someone who opens up the layers of fulfillment of dreams and an extraordinary sense of creation and imagination. He kindles love, tenderness, courage, and security in a child’s heart. His love and sacrifice helps fight against hard times in the path towards a fulfilling life.
This remarkable contribution of a father needs a grand celebration. As the father’s day approaches, people start searching for ways to show their love to their father.
Pampering your dad by booking a spa package for him?
Getting for him a personalized mug with the picture of the family printed on it?
Planning picnic on Father’s Day?
Gift him a state-of-the-art gadget?
Well, special gift here in JGMaker Father’s Day Giveaway, join to win a special gift to celebrate the father’s day which will make your day a celebratory moment.
What Prize
- 1st: JGMaker 8.9 Inch 4k Monochrome Printer x1
- 2nd: 10PC Hardness Tungsten MK8 Nozzle x5
- 3rd: 20PC E3D Brass Nozzle For 3D Printer x5
- 4th: $15 Coupon Code For Official Website x20
And When
The giveaway runs from 6th June, 2021 at 12:00AM GTM+8 to 20th June, 2021 at 11:59PM CTM+8. Entries submitted before or after the Entry Period will not be eligible.
Winners’ announcement on 21th June, 2021.
How to Enter
JGMaker Father's Day Giveaway in 2021
Entering accordingly to get entries as many as possible, the more entries you get, and the more chance you will win.
How to Win
Totally 31 winners will be selected randomly under the supervision of JGMaker. The more entries you have, the more chance to win. So try to get entries as much as possible.
Winners will be notified within 7 days after the winners’ announcement.
Prizes are limited to one per person.
Prizes cannot be refunded or replaced for non-quality issues.
Coupons are valid before 1st July GTM+8.
JGMaker reserves the right of final explanation. By offering your email you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Secret Code
Hey guys, secret code for Father's Day Giveaway is right here, we will post small task here every day, the answer will be that code, which will be revealed the next day together with a new question. Come on, follow and join us to win small gift for celebration!
Question 1: How old is jgmaker? Well, you can find answer from our company story. Code tips: there are 7 letter for this code
Code 1: 12years
Question 2: What is name of model for our latest resin machine? Come on, you could not find any question that is easier than this. Code tips: code start with jgmaker and then type model name.
Code 2: jgmakerg6
Question 3: What is build volume for our G6? Wow, you gonna be kidding, this question is bonus! Code tips: if printing size is 100*100*100mm, then type 100x100x100mm, okay, you know how to type code now!
Code 3: 192x120x260mm
Question 4: We have another large resin printer which has integrated curing structure, so what is name of that machine? It is not that hard to find out from our website. Code tips: code start with jgmaker and then type model name.
Code 4: jgmakerg5
Question 5: For our G6, it has a function that reminds you shortage of resin and allows you to refill, so what is name of function? Hahaha, this question is a bit tricky, but still, you can find answer at our G6 product description. Open your bright eyes to check image. Code tips: it has 18 letters for this code.
Code 5: Resinflowdetection
Question 6: The screen of G6 that has longer life and shorter layer exposure time with higher printing speed? Lol, you know the answer, if not, find it at our G6 product description. Code tips: 10 letters for this code.
Code 6: monochrome
Question 7: What is the product net weight for G6? Oh, looks like G6 need to lose some weight :). Code tips: G6 is unhappy because I just said she is overweight, so No tips this time, good luck!
Code 7: 11.5kg
Question 8: A platform that makes curing faster and easier for model adhesion for G6. Woops, I really do not want to tell you that you can find the answer at G6 product description. Code tips: 10 letters for this code.
Code 8: Reticulate
Question 9: What is resolution for G6? Funny, it is called 4k LCD, and you ask me this question. Code tips: use X instead of * :)
Code 9: 3840x2400
Question 10: What is Z-axis Resolution of G6? Again, I won’t tell that the answer is on our specification. Code tips: just copy and paste.
Code 10: 25μm
Question 11: As you know, we have an idex machine, what is name of that model? Well, it looks like I cannot find any good question for G6 now, and I need some question to make the code work! Code tips: do not type -
Code 11: Artistd
Question 12: How many printer does jgmaker have? Oh man, There is no reason you could not find answer if you click here. Code tips: 20+20+5+5-45+6=?
Code 12: 11
別再被詐騙黑網騙了!3A最新娛樂城體驗金提供所有線上娛樂城的最新動向 By 3ACasino / December 17, 2024 隨著線上娛樂城的興起,越來越多的玩家選擇在網上娛樂平台上娛樂、賭博,並享受多元化的遊戲體驗。無論是體育賭博、老虎機還是各種賽事投注,線上3a娛樂城都提供了豐富的選擇。然而,隨著線上平台的繁榮,也伴隨著詐騙和不安全平台的風險。如何分辨正規可靠的娛樂城,並避免被詐騙或陷入黑網的陷阱,是每一位玩家必須謹慎對待的問題。 本文將為您介紹線上娛樂城的基本資訊,並提供一些有效的辨識技巧,幫助您避免進入詐騙的黑網,同時介紹3A娛樂城如何為玩家提供最新的娛樂城動向,讓您玩得安心、玩得開心。 一、線上3a娛樂城官網的發展與現狀 隨著科技的進步和網絡的普及,線上3a娛樂城逐漸成為了全球賭博行業的重要一環。這些平台讓玩家可以在家中舒適的環境中進行各種賭博活動,無需親自到賭場,隨時隨地享受賭博樂趣。 多元化的遊戲選擇 目前,線上娛樂城提供的遊戲種類非常豐富,包括老虎機、撲克、賓果、輪盤、21點、體育賭博等各式各樣的選項。玩家可以根據自己的興趣選擇不同的遊戲,並參與到全球賭博市場的競爭中。 技術創新 隨著虛擬現實(VR)技術、人工智慧(AI)等技術的發展,許多娛樂城平台也在不斷創新,提升玩家的體驗。例如,利用VR技術打造身臨其境的賭博環境,讓玩家仿佛置身於真實的賭場;而AI技術則被用於提高遊戲的公平性和精確性。 移動設備支持 隨著智能手機和平板電腦的普及,許多線上3a娛樂城也推出了移動版本,使得玩家可以隨時隨地享受娛樂遊戲。不僅如此,這些平台還推出了適合不同操作系統(如iOS、Android)的應用程式,讓遊戲體驗更加便捷和流暢。 二、線上3a娛樂城官網的詐騙風險 儘管線上娛樂城提供了許多便利和娛樂選擇,但隨著市場的擴大,一些不法分子也進駐其中,利用各種詐騙手段來侵害玩家的利益。這些詐騙黑網的特點通常表現為以下幾個方面: 假網站與假平台 詐騙網站往往以低廉的優惠和豪華的宣傳吸引玩家上鉤,這些網站的設計和操作界面看起來非常專業,但實際上它們並沒有真正的運營許可證。玩家將個人資料和資金投入這些平台後,會發現自己無法提現或賺取的金額被無故凍結。 誘人的獎金和優惠 詐騙平台常常通過推出不切實際的“首存大獎”或“免費彩金”等優惠來吸引玩家,並誘使玩家進行大量投注。這些優惠通常都附帶不合理的條件,並在玩家達不到要求時取消所有贈金,甚至使玩家的存款受到影響。 遊戲不公平與結果操控 部分不法娛樂城會使用作弊手段操控遊戲結果,尤其是老虎機、輪盤等隨機遊戲,玩家在這些平台上的每次投注都無法得到公平對待,從而產生不合理的損失。 不清楚的賭博條款與隱藏費用 許多不正規的娛樂城平台會將一些不明確或隱藏的條款添加到賭博合約中。這些條款可能涉及到存款、取款或遊戲的條件,使玩家無法順利提現,甚至可能被扣除不明費用。 三、如何識別正規3a娛樂城官網? 要避免進入詐騙黑網,首先要學會如何識別正規的3a娛樂城。以下是幾個辨別真偽的關鍵指標: 合法授權與運營許可證 正規的娛樂城平台會擁有合法的運營許可證,這些證書一般來自於知名的賭博監管機構,如英國賭博委員會(UKGC)、馬耳他博彩局(MGA)等。玩家可以在平台的底部或關於我們的頁面查看這些資訊,以確保該平台的合法性。 使用加密技術保障安全 正規平台會採用最新的SSL加密技術來保護玩家的個人資訊和資金安全。玩家可以在平台網址欄查看是否以“https”開頭,並且確認網頁上的支付方式是安全的。 透明的支付與提款政策 正規娛樂城會提供清晰明確的存款和提款流程,並且在玩家要求提款時不會無理拖延。平台的條款和條件應該是簡單且易於理解的,沒有隱藏費用。 客戶服務與口碑 正規3a娛樂城會提供全天候的客戶服務支持,並能迅速解答玩家的問題。玩家可以查看該平台的用戶評價與口碑,了解其他玩家的真實經驗。 四、3a娛樂城官網:為玩家提供最新的娛樂城動向 作為專業的線上娛樂平台,3A娛樂城致力於為玩家提供全面的娛樂資訊,並協助玩家避開詐騙黑網。我們提供以下幾項服務: 實時更新娛樂城資訊 3A娛樂城會定期更新最新的線上3a娛樂城動向,包括合法平台的推薦、遊戲的評測、賭博行業的動態等,讓玩家能夠隨時掌握市場變化。 專業的遊戲分析與技巧分享 我們的專業團隊會分享各種遊戲技巧、策略與賠率分析,幫助玩家提高遊戲的勝率。同時,還會提供對熱門遊戲的深入剖析,讓玩家能夠更好地理解遊戲規則,避免上當受騙。 安全保障與信譽保證 3A娛樂城嚴格篩選合作平台,所有推薦的娛樂城都經過嚴格審查,保證其合法性和安全性。玩家可以放心選擇平台進行遊戲,享受公正、安全的賭博體驗。 專業的客戶服務 我們提供全天候的客戶服務,隨時解答玩家在遊戲過程中的問題,並提供專業的遊戲指導與問題解決方案。 隨著線上娛樂城市場的發展,選擇一個安全、合法、可靠的娛樂平台對於每位玩家來說至關重要。避免被詐騙黑網騙取資金,保持理智並選擇正規的3a娛樂城,是享受線上賭博娛樂的基本前提。3A娛樂城作為領先的娛樂平台,將繼續為玩家提供最新的娛樂城動向和專業的遊戲資訊,幫助您在安全、公正的環境中享受遊戲樂趣。 links act as a crucial element of link building, vital for increasing a webpage’s ranking power and search engine position. Alongside all-encompassing SEO strategies—involving targeting and aiming for important key phrases—backlinks serve a major position in creating a strong internet presence. Our method includes high-quality external links with well-planned optimization planning to enhance your webpage’s impact. 3-Step Link Building Service Our three-tiered link-building service is designed for superior SEO impact. This service employs top-level redirects from domains with ranking at 8-10, substantially enhancing your webpage’s authority. Also, we integrate site analyzers that map your site’s link structure, helping SEO tools to accurately identify your link structure. This is a important element in optimizing your indexing potential and indexing. Wide Range of Techniques for Web Promotion and Link Types We supply consultation services to support you with complex SEO strategies, covering the use of different link categories. Our specialists assist in building an effective network of connections and enhancing the ratio of anchor/non-anchor links. We supplement with insights on the best combination of follow and nofollow links to develop a search-engine-friendly backlink profile that matches search engines’ criteria. Thorough Support for Private Blogs For customers needing in networked sites, we provide detailed knowledge on creating durable private networks without relying on old domain names, a more secure and more effective way to enhancing link-building efforts. Backlink Pyramids and the Impact of Multi-Level Links Our strategies employ developing pyramid systems—designs like link levels—to amplify your website’s search authority. This layered strategy fortifies top-tier links and boosts their effectiveness on your site ranking. Employing Social Media for Search Engine Optimization Social media are powerful tools for generating user engagement but also for optimizing search presence. With good indexing potential by online search engines, social media can strongly support your online presence by boosting backlink range and user interaction rates. Networking and Expert Guidance Our optimization services feature guidance on networking, helping you grasp how to set up valuable external links and nurture link partnerships with high-authority sites. We are here to answer any inquiries, sharing tailored tips and strategies focused on your individual optimization needs. With our distinctive and broad SEO services, you get beyond reliable external links but also the SEO knowledge needed to establish a stable, well-ranked digital platform.
backlinks seo function as a crucial element of backlink creation, vital for increasing a website’s authority and SEO ranking. Together with thorough SEO techniques—involving targeting and aiming for important search words—external links act a vital role in establishing a solid internet presence. Our method combines premium external links with calculated SEO planning to increase your site’s performance. 3-Step Backlink System Our three-step backlink strategy is optimized for maximum SEO impact. This service integrates premium 301 redirects from sites with PR level of between 8 and 10, considerably boosting your site’s credibility. Additionally, we employ site analyzers that map your link architecture, assisting search engine crawlers to better understand your site layout. This is a important element in enhancing your search visibility and search ranking. Wide Range of Methods for Web Promotion and Link Varieties We provide paid consultations to support you in complex site promotion methods, covering the application of different link types. Our consultants assist in building an effective network of links and enhancing the mix of branded vs. keyword links. We further give guidance on the ideal distribution of SEO links to develop a search-engine-friendly backlink profile that appeals to search engines’ criteria. Detailed Guidance for PBNs For individuals interested in private blogs, we give extensive advice on creating durable private networks avoiding drop domains, a effective and more effective approach to building backlinks. Link Pyramids and the Impact of Tiered Links Our approaches utilize creating backlink pyramids—designs like multi-level links—to increase your website’s ranking power. This multi-tiered approach enhances core backlinks and amplifies their influence on your search ranking. Leveraging Social Media for Search Optimization Social media are strategic tools for generating user engagement and for enhancing search ranking. With robust indexing by Google and Bing, social media can greatly improve your search visibility by expanding backlink range and user interaction rates. External Connections and Professional Assistance Our digital strategies provide support on networking, ensuring you grasp how to set up key external links and build relationships with trusted websites. We are available to respond any questions, delivering personalized tips and methods tailored to your site promotion objectives. With our customized and varied SEO packages, you gain not only quality inbound links but also the SEO knowledge necessary to establish a durable, high-ranking site.
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